Creating the Kipili Beach Management Unit

The Threat


In many coastal communities around the world, fisheries are a crucial source of food and income. However, overfishing, pollution, and climate change are putting these resources at risk. In order to protect fish populations for future generations, it is essential to empower local villagers to take ownership of their fish habitat and become stewards of the marine environment.

Our Project


By creating a Beach Management Unit in the village of Kipili local villagers can do patrols to enforce Government regulations ensuring sustainable fishing practices in their area. The BMU will also provide education and training on proper fishing techniques, as well as information on the negative impacts of destructive fishing methods and the importance of protecting biodiversity.

Practical Conservation Solutions


The project is structured in four steps:

  1. Begin a Beach Management Unit in Kipili

  2. Provide a suitable patrol boat and fuel for regular patrols

  3. Offer educational movies to children at schools and to villagers teaching local communities about harmful fishing techniques and educating them with regard to local fisheries laws and the reason behind the laws

  4. Doing monthly village and Lake cleanups to ensure a clean marine environment for the fish and healthy water for all villagers

Our Goals

  • Open the Kipili BMU in May 2023

  • Do 10 monthly patrols in different areas of the Kipili archipelago

  • Show one educational video each month at a school or village in Kipili ward

  • Do monthly cleanups removing litter from villages and the waters of Lake Tanganyika